Jeg kan stærkt anbefale en tur til Belek, hvis man spiller golf. Fantastiske baner og hoteller, til en fornuftig penge.
Læs om yourGolfPartners tur i uge 7 – klik her.
Læs mere om Ronnie Lindeskov
Jeg kan stærkt anbefale en tur til Belek, hvis man spiller golf. Fantastiske baner og hoteller, til en fornuftig penge.
Læs om yourGolfPartners tur i uge 7 – klik her.
Læs mere om Ronnie Lindeskov
I am involved in the newly started yourGolfPartner network, consisting of PGA Pros and me. The purpose of the portal and webshop, is to promote the pros and their business, but of course to create a business concept for the portal. To some degree, the portal also acts as a playground for all of us, and we will explore ideas – and hopefully something great and addictive is born out of this. The portal is less than a week old, but go explore! 😉